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Create Your Own Fundraiser

Creating an online fundraiser is simple. Get started in a few easy steps easy steps:

Register and create your page.

Get excited to fundraise with your employees and coworkers! Register your fundraiser, upload a photo, and set a goal. You and your team will be on your way to raise money for some truly brave kids!

Connect your Fundraiser to Facebook

Once your fundraiser is created, connect it to Facebook fundraising. It just takes a few simple steps:

  1. Find which park you're participating in.
  2. Sign in to your participant center from the park page.
  3. Update page information (this will load into your Facebook fundraiser)
  4. Click to connect fundraising to Facebook

  5. Go to your Facebook profile to view and edit your fundraiser
  6. Start fundraising on Facebook!

All of your efforts are now connected, so fundraising on Facebook will give you credit toward meeting your goal

These tools will help you make fundraising easy and fun. Share them on social media, display them at the office, or hand them out on campus so you can let everyone know that you’re coasting for a cause. We’re confident you’ll hit your fundraising goal in no time!

Mobile Tools

Download Instagram story

Social Media image

Download social media image

Facebook Profile Frame

Facebook profile frame



Offline Donation Form

Download offline donation form.