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National Volunteer Week: A Letter to our Volunteers

Happy National Volunteer Week! The past month has certainly been surreal. With Give Kids The World temporarily empty of guests, we’ve been challenged to think of innovative, yet virtual, ways to celebrate this year. It’s been difficult. Not because there aren’t a ton of wonderful things we can and will do… but because it means we won’t be together in-person at the Village. Our volunteers are more than just the heartbeat of Give Kids The World, they’re the lifeblood of our Village family. (click for more)

Volunteer Spotlight: Jim Gourley’s Village Journey

There are hundreds of reasons that you should not volunteer at Give Kids The Word Village. Trust me, I know, because for several years, I came up with a lot of them, most centering around “I’m too busy,” “I’m too tired,” “Maybe next week,” “I’ve got other things to do,” and my most common catch-all,“I’ll do it later.” Please keep in mind, I never said my reasons were GOOD reasons. In fact, they were more of an excuse than a reason. (click for more)

Marc’s DinoPutt: A place where memories last forever.

Give Kids The World Village is filled with family-friendly and accessible entertainment, and one of our most popular of those offerings is Marc’s Dino Putt. Take a dive into how this course came to be, what we’re up to today, and even test your knowledge with a quick quiz. (click for more)

How to Draw Mayor Clayton

Mayor Clayton is the six-foot-tall bunny rabbit and fearless leader of Give Kids The World. As the presiding Mayor of the Village, he holds a special place in all of our hearts. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to draw Mayor Clayton! Sketch on a blank piece of paper or print our how-to guide here. (click for more)

Happy #NationalCrayonDay

Let’s get creative and add some color to our social media feeds. Grab some crayons, paint, or crafts and create anything that makes you think of Give Kids The World. Some of our friends on Facebook got a jump start with their art earlier this week and we’re excited to share what they created with you. (click for more)

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